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Client Profile: U.S. Phosphate Producer

Services Provided

  • S-Curve Cost Tracking
  • Integrated Planning & Scheduling
  • Risk Identification & Mitigation
  • Contractor Management
  • Business Analytics
  • Management System Implementation


  • The client engaged our consultants to help them achieve on-time installation of three Capex projects that were critical to hitting the annual revenue target
  • All three projects were thought to be behind schedule but it was unclear due to the lack of an integrated plan and schedule
  • Production that was to be provided by the operating units under construction was already committed to the customer and any delay or startup issue could create a significant commercial risk and damage to the customer relationship
  • Site management lacked urgency and discipline around challenging delays and issues.
  • Project progress reporting was not sufficient to understand current progress, costs, and risk


  • Installed Integrated Planning and Scheduling process
  • Implemented S-Curve Cost and Time Tracking
  • Conducted risk identification and mitigation workshops to ensure projects were completed OTIF and were ready to meet production targets upon commissioning.
  • Designed and installed a management system including short interval controls, metrics, and formal review meetings to give management visibility into issue and forums to resolve as a team
  • Integrated contractor management controls into execution and planning, including a daily SIC for cost and progress. Weekly estimates and detailed project plans required.


  • Zero major safety incidents with 10K+ person hours
  • All three projects were delivered On-Time, In Full (OTIF) despite initial delays
  • All three projects came in under budget demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented cost controls
  • Successful ramp up of all three assets – Each asset achieved 100% production plan in the quarter following commissioning

I wasn’t sure about all this when we started but it has definitely helped. We operate totally differently now.”

- General Manager